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Lori Apr 16, 2019

Size: 24" x 18" Material Type: Aluminum Signature Designer Signs   Verified Purchase

Unhappy with approval process for custom sign designs...

Why have I not given this a five star rating as I did the signs ordered at the same time as this one? Because this one is NOT how I designed it. I designed this sign (for a drive gate) with an open space between the top two lines and the bottom lines. This was deliberate. Like the order for the two other signs, I refused the offer to tweak my design. When the request for my approval came through, I niavely believed that my design would not have been changed and read only the wording to check for spelling errors. Immediately after clicking approved, I realized my mistake and contacted the company to withdraw my approval. And I do mean within a minute or so. Too late I was told. My sign was already in production minutes after my approval of a sign that I refused the offer of tweaking that had been tweaked. The sign itself is beautifully done however it is NOT the sign I designed. The company needs to tweak its order process to provide a delay between approval and response that allows the customer to rectify any errors in hitting approval too soon. AND the company needs to avoid tweaking signs it was asked not to tweak.