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The Place of Bilingual Signs in America

America attracts travelers, immigrants, and scholars of every color, creed, and point on the globe. If you have to deal with employees, customers or visitors who might not speak English, bilingual signs can help you get your message across. (Our most popular multilingual products are bilingual signs in Spanish and English but we also sell products with Chinese and Korean.) Bilingual signs are useful for lots of reasons. They provide an extra degree of notice to anyone who doesn’t speak both languages. And there are lots of Hispanophones in the US. According to the Census Bureau, 41 million native Spanish speakers live in the United States-- more than in Spain itself!.
We’ve got every kind of bilingual sign your business might need - everything from workplace safety products to property signs to road signage. And if you don’t find the exact sign you’re looking for, MySafetySign can make nearly any custom sign that you can imagine. We offer rapid turnaround, a price-matching guarantee, and industry-leading quality.
Our signs are made of durable rust-proof aluminum built to last up to ten years. We also offer laminated vinyl and tough plastic signs that are chemical-resistant and weatherproof.
If you have any questions or concerns, click our live chat link to reach our customer service staff in New York City. We’re happy to help!